College Consultancy
Morrisby Service
Impartial, personalised careers guidance and advice based on sophisticated online psychometric assessments
for students 15-18 years of age
As a Morrisby-trained adviser who has used the Morrisby Profile with hundreds of students over the past decade, I am convinced that this is the best program available to help teenagers recognise their career potentials and plan their future education appropriately.
To maximise the value of Morrisby Online and the resulting Morrisby Report, students need to test in a controlled environment and, to put results in their proper context, students should be interviewed in person rather than online, if possible.
With over a decade's experience of Morrisby interviewing and as someone who understands the secondary school context, I can help your students better understand themselves and the future opportunities open to them.
How it Works for You
Testing - just requires a quiet space with computers/laptops for max. 2 hours.
Report - is generated immediately or at a time determined by the school/adviser.
Interview - 1:1 with Martin Campion for 30 min. per student (standard) or 45 min. with written summary for student/parent (premium).
Cost - Standard - HK$1,000 per student
Premium - HK$1,500 per student #
As a Morrisby Manager, I can set up this service within a few days' notice.
Please contact me through the email address below to discuss this further.