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"Martin is recognised as a leading expert in his field...doing an outstanding job in advising students and their parents in their multiple applications across the globe."


John Wray, Head of Mulgrave School, Vancouver / formerly Principal, South Island School, Hong Kong


"We have heard from our children, and personally witnessed, the tremendous amount you have given to the students every year and we are humbled by your dedication.  You have helped open doors of opportunity in education which my family never thought possible.  We feel you have given the greatest gift to our children."


Parents of Do Hee (Caltech) and Sang Joon (Wharton School, U Penn)


Mr. Campion's support for my university and scholarship applications was outstanding.  He provided a clear timeline of the process and personalised advice to nudge me in the right direction, as I thought about the future.  What I found most useful was that he emphasised finding a long term fit and developing transferable skills, while also providing advice on the short term goal of university admissions."


Daniel    (Emmanuel College, Cambridge and Prince Philip Scholar 2015)


"I am just really thankful to Mr. Campion. He is very sensible and experienced but, more than that, he stimulated me to think holistically and helped me develop the skills and confidence to attain my goal.  I grew so much in the process of making university choices, writing applications to preparing for interviews and I know that the things I learnt from him are lifelong."


Wendy   (Medicine, University of Hong Kong 2016)


"Thank you so much for all the support and insightful guidance you've given me...I would not have gotten where I am today without it.  You have helped me discover potential I didn't know I possessed and it has helped me come so far."


Shirley   (University of Oxford 2013-16)


"Mr. Campion took a personal interest in everyone's higher education success, emphasising the importance of proper planning and giving them practical advice regarding their own strengths and capabilities...he went out of his way to help individual people....To be honest, almost everyone I know said at least one in their final year that they didn't know what they'd do if it wasn't for Mr. Campion." 


Supriya     (Cornell, Class of 2014)


"His knowledge and experience in the field of higher education is second to none...He is honest with students and has a student-centred approach that ensures that students receive the best possible advice and guidance at such an important time in their education."


Danny O'Connor, Executive Principal ACG Strathallan, NZ / Former Head of Senior School, South Island School


Mr. Campion’s philosophy of keeping an open mind drew me to Yale. Without his advice, I would never have applied to Yale, nor would I have applied for the right reasons - his thorough questioning on why I wanted to apply to Yale strengthened my conviction that it would be the best university for me. 

His limitless knowledge of global educational trends has catapulted students to numerous destinations around the world, many of which are places students used to think were out of reach. Indeed, look at where I am now. 


Ariq  (Yale, Class of 2020)


Martin was my career counselor in Year 13 at South Island School in Hong Kong.  At the time, I was still unsure of whether I wanted to go to the UK or the US for university, but his in depth knowledge of both locations as higher education destinations, as well as his relationships with representatives from top schools was a wonderful guiding light in the process. Even with the applications themselves, he was a great sounding board for essay topics and other general advice. His deep commitment to students also shone through after my freshman year in the US, as he helped me with my successful transfer application to the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania despite the fact that I was no longer a student at SIS.

I’d highly recommend Martin to help you or your child through the process, and I’ll always be grateful to him for his help in getting me into my dream university!     


Kevin Pereira, Managing Director Financial Services, Blu Artificial Intelligence



College Consultancy

29F Infinitus Plaza, 199 Des Voeux Road, Central, Hong Kong.

Email:      Tel:/WhatsApp  90472790

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